In case of no-show or unutilized bookings, You shall be required to make requests for any valid and applicable refunds, as per the defined policies, within 24 Hrs from the travel date in case of air/ rail/ cab/ bus tickets and/or the date of check-in for hotel bookings. No refund would be payable for any requests made after the expiry of 24 Hrs of travel date/ check-in as aforementioned and all unclaimed amounts for such no-show or unutilized bookings shall accordingly be deemed to have been forfeited.

The refund shall be processed within 15-90 working days from the date of the cancellation request. If we have received the payment through a valid credit card, then the same will be refunded to your credit card. Payments made using any other form of payment will be refunded by cheque within a maximum of 90 days from date of receipt of ticket. All refunds shall be processed subject to processing of refunds by the respective airline/service provider.

If, TRiNMO, upon your consent makes the refund to any mode other than to the original source of your payment, and it suffers any claims, damages, costs, loss or expense as a consequence thereof, You shall be liable to indemnify, hold harmless and make good TRiNMO to the fullest extent possible. Further TRiNMO shall not be liable for any loss sustained by you arising out of provisioning of the wrong details to TRiNMO for the purpose of refunds

Please note Convenience Fee charged at the time of booking will not be refunded.